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to a streamlined clinical workflow

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Featured Products

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CYP2D6 Haplotype Translation Tools

CYP2D6 Haplotype Translation Tools facilitate interpretation of raw data from the CYP2D6 gene into combinations of haplotypes known as genotypes, from which CYP2D6 enzyme activity may be deduced.

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CYP2C19 Haplotype Translation Tools

CYP2C19 Haplotype Translation Tools facilitate interpretation of raw data from the CYP2C19 gene into combinations of haplotypes known as genotypes, from which CYP2C19 enzyme activity may be deduced.

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About us

An illustration of medial professionals

digHap provides digital health technology software solutions for translating raw genetic data into meaningful genetic data from which protein function may be inferred. These are operationalized versions of our published methods, customized for specific genetic data ascertainment techniques.

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